Dolenčevi Vrtovi

Dolenčevi Vrtovi


Architecture of the residential complex is based on the analysis of various natural elements that give the place unique character. It’s based on: orientation, sunlight, nice views and privacy.

Škofja Loka competition

The shape of the building fits all requirements. North facade of the building is therefore closed, completely covered in wooden slats. That design continues on the roof, and like a shell, protects the south – open glass – facade.

Škofja Loka competition

Škofja Loka competition

Škofja Loka competition

Also, there are included residential terraced houses that are partially buried, but utilise the free part of the plot. So, there are optimal conditions for sunshine and open views for everyone.

Škofja Loka competition

This project has shared the first place on architectural competition.

Škofja Loka competition


Tazio Di Pretoro dott.arch.,

Giulio Palladini dott. arch.,

Mojca Šavnik abs.arh.,

Aleš Plesničar dott.arch,

Aleš Žetko u.d.i.a.